Technology has become an undeniable cornerstone of our daily lives. From communication and entertainment to work and education, we rely on our devices to a remarkable degree. However, a sea of misconceptions and outdated information about technology can sometimes cloud our understanding. Let’s debunk some of the most common tech myths and set the record straight!

maze of electronics

Myth #1: Turning Off Electronics When Not in Use Wastes Energy

This one is a half-truth. While constantly running electronics does consume energy, modern devices often enter a low-power sleep mode when inactive. This sleep mode uses significantly less energy than leaving them fully powered on. However, if you’re not planning to use a device for an extended period (overnight or on vacation), completely turning it off can provide some additional energy savings.

Myth #2: Mac Computers Are Immune to Viruses and Malware

While Macs are generally considered less susceptible to malware compared to Windows PCs, they are not entirely invincible. Cybercriminals are constantly developing new threats, and Macs are becoming increasingly popular targets. It’s crucial to have reliable antivirus software installed on your Mac and maintain good browsing habits to avoid malware infections.

Myth #3: Microwaving Your Wet Phone Will Dry It Out

This is a big NO! Microwaves use electromagnetic waves to heat food. Exposing your phone’s delicate electronic components to these waves can cause severe damage, potentially leading to sparks, fires, or permanent malfunction. The best way to dry a wet phone is to remove the battery (if possible) and let it air dry in a well-ventilated space. You can also use a bowl of uncooked rice to absorb moisture.

Myth #4: Multitasking Makes You More Productive

Rapidly switching between tasks can give the illusion of productivity, but research suggests it can actually hinder focus and efficiency. Our brains take time to context switch, and constantly jumping between tasks can lead to errors and incomplete work. It’s often more productive to dedicate focused time to each task rather than trying to juggle them all simultaneously.

Myth #5: Deleting Files Means They’re Gone Forever

While deleting files removes them from their original location, the data often remains on the storage device until it’s overwritten by new information. Data recovery software can sometimes retrieve “deleted” files, especially if the device hasn’t been used extensively after deletion. For complete data erasure, consider using secure deletion software or physically destroying the storage device.

Myth #6: More Megapixels Mean a Better Camera

While megapixels (MP) represent the resolution of a digital image, it’s not the sole indicator of camera quality. Sensor size, lens quality, and image processing all play significant roles. A high MP camera with a small sensor might capture more detail, but it may also be more prone to noise in low-light conditions.

Myth #7: Incognito Mode Makes You Completely Anonymous Online

Incognito mode, or private browsing, prevents your browser from storing your browsing history, cookies, and other site data. However, it doesn’t make you anonymous online. Your internet service provider (ISP) can still see the websites you visit, and your online activity might still be tracked by websites themselves or through third-party trackers.

Myth #8: Using a Free Wi-Fi Network is Always Safe

Free Wi-Fi networks, especially in public places, can be convenient but also pose security risks. Unsecured networks allow anyone to intercept your data, potentially exposing passwords, financial information, and other sensitive details. If you must use a public Wi-Fi network, avoid accessing confidential information and consider using a virtual private network (VPN) for added security.

Myth #9: Leaving Your Laptop Plugged In Overnight Damages the Battery

Modern laptops are designed to manage their battery health. Once the battery reaches full charge, the laptop automatically switches to using power from the outlet and stops charging the battery. This prevents overcharging and damage. However, it’s still a good practice to occasionally unplug your laptop to allow the battery to complete a full charge and discharge cycle for optimal health.

Myth #10: You Need to Defragment Your Hard Drive Regularly

Defragmentation was a necessary process for older mechanical hard drives to optimize performance. However, modern solid-state drives (SSDs) don’t require defragmentation. In fact, frequent defragmentation can actually shorten the lifespan of an SSD. Operating systems like Windows 10 have automatic defragmentation features disabled for SSDs.


By debunking these tech myths, we can become more informed users and make smarter choices when it comes to our devices and online activities. Remember, staying curious, questioning outdated information, and consulting reliable sources are key to navigating the ever-evolving world of technology. A Better Tech is here to help you stay informed and make the most of your electronic devices. Feel free to comment below and we’ll be happy to assist you!